
  1. The beginning of the era of colonialism in Kazakhstan

To understand this topic, we'll explore three main themes: the diplomatic missions and negotiations between Kazakhstan and Russia, the organization and activities of the Orenburg expedition, and the Dzungar-Kazakh war and relations between Abylai Khan and neighboring powers.

a) Diplomatic missions and negotiations between Kazakhstan and Russia:

During the early stages of colonialism in Kazakhstan, diplomatic missions played a crucial role in establishing and maintaining relations between the Kazakh Khanate and the Russian Empire. Key diplomatic figures in this period include Koybagar Kobyakov, Seitkul Koydagulov, Kutlumbet Koshtaev, and Murza Kutlu Muhammad Tevkelev.

The negotiations between the two parties focused on issues of citizenship, trade, and security. Various political groups vied for influence during these negotiations, with each group advocating for their interests. The project of I.K. Kirilov aimed to solidify Russian influence in the region and establish a framework for cooperation between Kazakhstan and the Russian Empire.

b) Organization and activities of the Orenburg expedition:

The Orenburg expedition was an important part of the Russian Empire's expansion efforts in Central Asia. Led by the governor of the Orenburg province, I.I. Neplyuev, the expedition aimed to establish control over the region and assert Russian dominance.

During the 1740s, the Orenburg administration sought to gain the allegiance of the Kazakh khans and influential sultans of the Younger and Middle Zhuzs. This effort led to a series of negotiations and interactions with key Kazakh leaders, including Abulkhair Khan.

However, relations between Abulkhair and the Orenburg administration deteriorated, leading to further negotiations with the tsarist government in the late 1740s. Following Abulkhair's death, the Russian Empire legitimized Khan's power and approved the Khan title for Sultan Nuraly in 1749.

c) Dzungar-Kazakh war and relations between Abylai Khan and neighboring powers:

The Dzungar-Kazakh war took place between 1739 and 1741, marking a critical period in Kazakhstan's history. Abylai Khan, a prominent Kazakh leader, played a significant role in managing relations with Dzungaria, China, and Russia during this time.

Abylai Khan demonstrated exceptional diplomatic skills in maintaining a delicate balance of power in the region. He established and maintained embassy relations between China and Kazakhstan, which helped to secure crucial support during the conflict with the Dzungars.

In addition to managing international relations, Abylai Khan also had to navigate internal challenges within Kazakhstan. The Kazakh people faced the threat of Bashkir rebels, who sought to destabilize the region and undermine Kazakh authority.

In conclusion, understanding the diplomatic missions and negotiations, the Orenburg expedition, and the Dzungar-Kazakh war provides valuable insights into the beginning of the era of colonialism in Kazakhstan. These events and relationships shaped the nation's development and set the stage for the complex history that followed.

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