5 Вопрос

  1. The culture of prehistoric humans includes the beginnings of art and religious ideas in the early Paleolithic period.

  2. Anthropomorphic and zoomorphic images were common themes in primitive art, depicting both humans and animals in various poses and activities.

  3. Features of anthropo- and zoomorphic images on the monuments of primitive art vary depending on the region and cultural practices of early humans. Some common themes include depictions of hunting, fertility, and supernatural beings.

  4. The development of language and rational knowledge occurred during the Mesolithic, Neolithic, and Eneolithic periods, leading to the reconstruction of religious ideas and practices. Early humans developed concepts of supernatural beings and life after death, which were reflected in their art and burial practices.

  5. Rock art, including petroglyphs or carvings on rock surfaces, is one of the most significant forms of prehistoric art. These petroglyphs depict a wide range of subjects, including animals, hunting scenes, and human figures. They provide insight into the beliefs, practices, and cultural expressions of ancient humans in Kazakhstan and the wider region.

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