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The land issue in the history of Kazakhstan is a complex topic that covers various aspects of social, economic, and political life. Here are three main themes that can help you understand this topic:

  1. Land acquisition and construction of border lines: The Russian Empire started to acquire the land of Kazakhstan in the 18th century. The process of land acquisition and construction of border lines continued throughout the 19th century. Military Cossack colonization played a significant role in the acquisition of land in Kazakhstan. The Ural, Orenburg, and Siberian Cossack troops were involved in the process of colonization. The Cossack estate was granted a privileged status and had significant power in the administration of the newly acquired lands.

  2. Migration issue: The 60-90s of the 19th century were marked by a massive migration of different ethnic groups to Kazakhstan. Russian peasants were resettled in the territory of Kazakhstan, which led to the expropriation of communal lands and had a significant impact on the traditional economy of the Kazakhs. Uighurs and Dungans were also resettled in Semirechye. The occupations of immigrants were diverse, and their socio-economic status varied.

  3. Social organization of nomadic society: The traditional society of the Kazakh nomads was organized around extended and minimal communities. The travel routes were an essential part of their lifestyle, and the social structure was based on different estates, such as the sultanate. The evolution of the status of the estate of the Kazakh sultans and the emergence of new estates, such as officialdom, nobility, and honorary citizenship, played a significant role in the transformation of the social organization of the Kazakh nomadic society. Social engineering of the Kazakh nomadic society was carried out by training Kazakh youths in cadet corps, gymnasiums, and universities of the Russian Empire. The emergence of Kazakh merchants and merchants was another significant development in the social life of the Kazakhs. The construction of mosques and Kazakh mullahs was an essential part of the spiritual life of the Kazakhs. The influence of enlightening ideas of Jadidism and the opening of schools in the Steppe had a significant impact on the Kazakh society's intellectual and cultural life.

To prepare for the exam on this topic, you should study the historical processes of land acquisition, migration, and the social organization of nomadic society in Kazakhstan. You should learn about the different ethnic groups that migrated to Kazakhstan and their occupations. You should also focus on the evolution of the status of the Kazakh sultans and the emergence of new estates in Kazakh society. Finally, you should study the role of education, Jadidism, and the construction of mosques in the spiritual and intellectual life of the Kazakhs.

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