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The Impact of the February Revolution on Kazakhstan and the Kazakh National Liberation Movement


  • The February bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia created new opportunities for political and social change in the Russian Empire, including in Kazakhstan

  • The Kazakh political elite called for the formation of Kazakh committees to represent the interests of the Kazakh people in the revolutionary context

Regional Kazakh Congresses and the Activities of the National Intelligentsia

  • Regional Kazakh congresses were held to discuss political and social demands and to coordinate efforts in the national liberation movement

  • Representatives of the national intelligentsia worked to represent the interests of the Kazakh people and to advocate for their rights in the bodies of the Provisional Government

The Political Crisis of the Summer of 1917

  • The political crisis of the summer of 1917 had a significant impact on the Kazakh national liberation movement

  • The July All-Kazakh Congress was held in response to this crisis

Formation of the Alash Party

  • The decision was made at the July All-Kazakh Congress to form the Alash party, which aimed to represent the interests of the Kazakh people and to advocate for their national liberation

  • The Alash party won a significant number of seats in the elections of deputies of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly

New Approaches in the Study of Political, Cultural, and Educational Activities of the Kazakh Intelligentsia

  • Recent studies have sought to understand the complex and diverse nature of the Kazakh national liberation movement

  • These studies have highlighted the contributions of the Kazakh intelligentsia to the development of Kazakh culture and identity

Overall, the February Revolution had a significant impact on Kazakhstan and the Kazakh national liberation movement. The revolution created new opportunities for political and social change in the Russian Empire, and the Kazakh political elite responded by calling for the formation of Kazakh committees to represent the interests of the Kazakh people. Regional Kazakh congresses and the activities of the national intelligentsia were significant in coordinating efforts in the national liberation movement and advocating for Kazakh rights. The political crisis of the summer of 1917 led to the formation of the Alash party, which aimed to represent the interests of the Kazakh people and advocate for their national liberation. Recent studies have highlighted the diverse and complex nature of the Kazakh national liberation movement and the contributions of the Kazakh intelligentsia to the development of Kazakh culture and identity.

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