9 Вопрос

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  1. Periodization of the history of nomadism refers to the division of nomadic history into distinct periods based on significant changes and events. Common periodizations include the Early Nomads, Classical Nomads, and Late Nomads.

  2. The prerequisites for the emergence of nomadism in Kazakhstan include both natural-geographical and socio-cultural factors. The region's vast grasslands and diverse climates were well-suited for pastoralism, while the emergence of the chariot and horseback riding allowed for greater mobility and military power.

  3. The increasing role and importance of cattle breeding in Kazakhstan led to the development of a pastoral nomadic lifestyle. Different forms of cattle-breeding included yard, yailage, pastoral, transhumance, and others, depending on the region and season.

  4. Horsemanship played a crucial role in the nomadic lifestyle, allowing for greater mobility and military power. The development of horseback riding and horse equipment, such as saddles and stirrups, facilitated the emergence of powerful nomadic empires.

  5. Wells were an important feature of nomadic societies in Kazakhstan, allowing for access to water in otherwise arid regions. Different types of wells, such as steppe wells and desert wells, were developed depending on the region.

  6. The development of steppe, semisteppe, and desert regions in Kazakhstan led to the emergence of different types of pastoral nomadism, with different species compositions of the herd and different forms of social organization.

  7. Social organization and social structure in nomadic societies were based on kinship ties and clan affiliation, with leaders or khans chosen through a system of succession based on family lineage. Nomadic societies were often hierarchical and patriarchal, with power and resources concentrated in the hands of a few elites.

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