18 Вопрос

Не уверен что правильное

  1. The formation of the Kazakh people was the result of a complex set of historical and ethnic processes that occurred on the territory of Kazakhstan over a period of several centuries. These processes were shaped by a range of factors, including the movement of nomadic tribes, the influence of neighboring states, and the emergence of a shared language and culture.

  2. The post-Mongolian period was an important time in the formation of the Kazakh nation. During this period, a shared ethnic territory and a single language emerged, as did a common economy and material and spiritual culture.

  3. The factor of state foundation played an important role in the ethnic process of the Kazakh people. The emergence of the Kazakh Khanate in the 15th and 16th centuries helped to shape the political and cultural landscape of the region and played a role in the formation of the Kazakh nation.

  4. The correlation of ethnonyms "Uzbek" and "Kazakh" is complex and has been the subject of much debate among historians and scholars. The two terms have been used to refer to different groups of people at different times, and their meanings and connotations have shifted over time.

  5. The term "Kazakh" has social and ethnic meaning and content. It has been used to refer to a specific ethnic group, as well as to a broader set of cultural and linguistic characteristics that are associated with the Kazakh people.

  6. The emergence of the Senior, Middle, and Junior zhuzes was an important moment in the history of the Kazakh people. These zhuzes represented different social and ethnic groups within the Kazakh nation, and played an important role in shaping the political and cultural landscape of the region.

  7. The Kazakh Khanate was a state that existed from the 15th to the 16th centuries in Central Asia. The khanate was characterized by a mixed ethnic composition, and was centered on the region around present-day Kazakhstan. The Kazakh Khanate played an important role in shaping the political and cultural landscape of the region, and marked an important moment in the formation of the Kazakh nation.

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