10 Вопрос

  1. The cultural genesis of proto- and early Turks refers to the development of the Turkic peoples and their culture in Central Asia. This includes the emergence of the Old Turkic language, which was written using the Orkhon script.

  2. Questions of ancient contacts between pratürks and pramongols refer to the relationship between the early Turks and the Mongol tribes that preceded the Mongol Empire. These contacts were likely characterized by trade, military alliances, and cultural exchange.

  3. The culture of slab graves is a type of burial practice that was common in the region during the first millennium BCE. These graves are characterized by large, flat stones arranged in a rectangular shape.

  4. Korgantas burials of Central Kazakhstan are a type of burial practice that emerged during the early Iron Age. These burials are characterized by a unique type of grave marker, which consists of a large, flat stone with a crescent-shaped top.

  5. Messages from Chinese sources about the Xiongnu refer to the written records of the Han dynasty in China, which provide important insights into the history of the Xiongnu. These sources describe the Xiongnu as a powerful confederation of nomadic tribes that controlled a vast area of Central Asia.

  6. Archaeological data provides additional evidence about the Xiongnu, including their material culture and settlement patterns. This data has helped to shed light on the social and political organization of the Xiongnu and their relationship with other societies in the region.

  7. The problem of the origin and ethnic history of the Xiongnu is complex and still the subject of debate among historians and archaeologists. Some scholars believe that the Xiongnu were of Mongolic origin, while others suggest that they were a confederation of different ethnic groups.

  8. The political history of the Xiongnu empire is characterized by periods of expansion and contraction, as well as conflicts with neighboring societies. The Xiongnu were eventually defeated by the Han dynasty in China, leading to the fragmentation of their empire.

  9. Ethnopolitical associations of the Usuns of Semirechye and Tien Shan refer to the cultural and political ties between the Usuns and other groups in the region. The Usuns were an important group in Central Asia during the early medieval period and were associated with a number of different cultural and linguistic traditions.

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