6 Вопрос

  1. The Eneolithic and Bronze Age in the Great Steppe saw significant developments in metallurgy and the use of metals in tools and weapons. Ancient metalworking techniques such as casting and forging were employed to produce copper, bronze, and later iron objects.

  2. The formation and stages of a producing economy based on cattle breeding in Kazakhstan began during the Neolithic period and continued through the Bronze Age. This led to the development of a pastoral nomadic lifestyle, where people moved seasonally to find grazing lands for their herds.

  3. The Botai culture of Northern Kazakhstan is an important example of the early development of horse domestication in the region. This culture is associated with the earliest known evidence of horse domestication, dating back to around 3500 BCE.

  4. Kazakhstan is considered the oldest territory of horse domestication, and the horse played a significant role in the development of the region's economy, culture, and military power. The domestication of the horse led to the rise of pastoral nomadism and the emergence of powerful nomadic empires, such as the Scythians and the Mongols.

  5. The historical significance of the culture formation of horse breeders in the development of the Eurasian civilization lies in the fact that the domestication of the horse allowed for greater mobility and communication, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and technologies across vast distances. This contributed to the development of trade networks, the spread of religions and cultures, and the emergence of powerful empires that shaped the course of Eurasian history.

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