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October Revolution and Political Life in Kazakhstan

Establishment of Soviet Power

  • The October Revolution led to the establishment of Soviet power in Russia and Kazakhstan

  • The Bolsheviks published the Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia on November 15, 1917

Alash Autonomy and Turkestan Autonomy

  • The December All-Kazakh Congress led to the decision to form the Alash autonomy

  • The government of the Turkestan autonomy was also formed (Kokand autonomy)

  • Mustafa Shokay's memoirs document this period of political life in Kazakhstan

Confrontation and War

  • The authorities of the Alash and Kokand autonomies were liquidated

  • The Kazakh region was a site of confrontation between "whites" and "reds"

  • The actions of the Kazakh national army of the Alash Orda government were significant

  • Hostilities spread throughout the Kazakh territory

Bolshevik Regime

  • The policy of "war communism" was implemented

  • The Bolsheviks announced amnesty to the government of Alash-Orda

  • A. Baitursynov wrote letters to V.I. Lenin criticizing Bolshevik ideas

  • The Kirghiz (Kazakh) Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed

  • Command-administrative solutions were implemented to resolve territorial boundary problems

New Economic Policy

  • The New Economic Policy (NEP) was implemented in Kazakhstan

  • The NEP had unique features and content

Famine and Struggles

  • A famine occurred in Kazakhstan from 1921-1922

  • The Kazakh intelligentsia struggled against hunger

  • The Kazakh Regional Party Committee struggled against "Kazakh nationalism"

National-State Delimitation

  • National-state delimitation led to the collapse of the idea of a single Turkestan

  • The unification of Kazakh lands occurred as part of the Kazakh ASSR

Overall, the October Revolution and establishment of Soviet power had significant effects on political life in Kazakhstan. The period was marked by the establishment of the Alash and Turkestan autonomies, a period of confrontation and war, and the eventual formation of the Bolshevik regime. The implementation of the New Economic Policy (NEP) and the occurrence of famine were also significant. The national-state delimitation led to the collapse of the idea of a single Turkestan and the unification of Kazakh lands occurred as part of the Kazakh ASSR.

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