
The "Alash" movement was a significant socio-political and cultural movement that emerged among the Kazakh people in the early 20th century. The movement was based on the idea of establishing a national state for the Kazakh people and was led by Kazakh intellectuals such as Akhmet Baitursynov and Alikhan Bokeikhanov.

The interaction between the intellectual elite of the Turkic-Muslim peoples and the Russian Empire played a significant role in the formation of the "Alash" movement and other socio-political movements among the Muslim population of the Russian Empire. The Muslim movement in the Russian Empire emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as a response to the increasing Russification policies of the Russian government.

Representatives of the Kazakh elite participated in the all-Russian Muslim congresses, which aimed to unite the Muslim population of the Russian Empire and to address their common issues. The "Ittifaq al-Muslimin" (Union of Muslims) played a significant role in the formation of the socio-political movement of Russian Muslims.

The doctrine of Russian Turkism, which emphasized the cultural and historical ties between the Turkic peoples of the Russian Empire, played a significant role in the formation of the Kazakh national movement. This doctrine helped to unite the various Turkic peoples of the Russian Empire and to create a sense of shared identity.

Muslim charitable societies were also significant in the development of the Kazakh national movement. These societies provided social and financial support to the Kazakh people and helped to create a sense of community among them.

The emergence and development of patronage was another important aspect of the Kazakh national movement. Wealthy Kazakh landowners and intellectuals provided financial and political support to the movement, helping to establish political organizations and to spread the idea of national independence.

The formation of Marxist, liberal-democratic, and Kadet groups and trends was also significant in the development of the Kazakh national movement. These groups and trends provided alternative visions for the future of the Kazakh people and contributed to the development of a more diverse and complex socio-political landscape in Kazakhstan.

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