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The Republic of Kazakhstan has actively sought to promote integration among Turkic-speaking countries, reflecting a shared cultural and historical heritage. The country has been involved in a number of regional organizations, including the Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking States (CCTS), which seeks to promote economic, cultural, and political cooperation among Turkic-speaking countries.

Kazakhstan has also developed close ties with countries in South and Southeast Asia, particularly in the areas of trade, investment, and energy. The country has also been active in promoting regional security cooperation, working closely with international and regional organizations in the field of security, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA).

Kazakhstan has taken a leading role in promoting initiatives to strengthen mutual trust and dialogue in the face of growing global threats, including international terrorism. The country has also been involved in efforts to counter new external threats, including cybercrime and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Kazakhstan has been an active participant in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) Partnership for Peace program, reflecting its commitment to promoting regional stability and security.

Overall, the Republic of Kazakhstan has sought to promote regional and international cooperation through its foreign policy, reflecting a commitment to promoting peace, security, and economic development through dialogue and collaboration with other countries and regions.


Modern direction of integration of the Turkic world: Kazakhstan has been a driving force behind the integration of the Turkic-speaking world, including through the establishment of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking States (CCTS) in 2009. The CCTS seeks to promote economic, cultural, and political cooperation among Turkic-speaking countries, including Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan. Kazakhstan has also been active in promoting the use of the Latin alphabet for the Turkic languages, including Kazakh, which is currently being phased out of the Cyrillic script.

Relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the countries of South and Southeast Asia: Kazakhstan has developed close ties with a number of countries in South and Southeast Asia, including India, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The country has been actively involved in promoting trade, investment, and energy cooperation with these countries, including through the establishment of joint commissions and working groups.

Cooperation of Kazakhstan with international and regional organizations in the field of security: Kazakhstan has been an active participant in a number of international and regional organizations in the field of security, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA), and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Kazakhstan has also been involved in efforts to counter new external threats, including cybercrime and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Initiatives to strengthen mutual trust, dialogue in the face of growing global threats and international terrorism: Kazakhstan has been actively involved in promoting initiatives to strengthen mutual trust and dialogue in the face of growing global threats, including international terrorism. The country has been an active participant in international efforts to combat terrorism, including through the United Nations and other international organizations.

Initiative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to organize a Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia: The Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) was established in 1999 as an intergovernmental forum for promoting peace, security, and cooperation in Asia. Kazakhstan played a leading role in the establishment of the CICA and has been actively involved in its activities, including through the provision of financial and logistical support.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a regional intergovernmental organization that was established in 2001. The SCO seeks to promote economic, political, and security cooperation among its member countries, which include China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Kazakhstan has been an active participant in the SCO and has hosted a number of its meetings and events.

The Republic of Kazakhstan and the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO): Kazakhstan has been an active participant in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) Partnership for Peace program, which seeks to promote regional security cooperation and dialogue between NATO and partner countries. Kazakhstan has also participated in NATO-led operations, including in Afghanistan.

New geopolitical security issues: New geopolitical security issues facing Kazakhstan and the wider region include cybercrime, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and terrorism. Kazakhstan has been actively involved in efforts to address these issues, including through participation in international organizations and initiatives.

Countering new external threats: Kazakhstan has been actively involved in efforts to counter new external threats, including through the promotion of regional security cooperation and the development of new technologies and strategies. The country has also been involved in efforts to combat cybercrime and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, including through the United Nations and other international organizations.

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