
The strategy "Kazakhstan - 2030" was a comprehensive plan aimed at transforming the country's economy, social infrastructure, and political system, with the goal of making Kazakhstan one of the 50 most competitive countries in the world. The strategy focused on a number of key areas, including economic diversification, the development of the country's human capital, and the modernization of the country's infrastructure.

One of the most significant moves during this period was the decision to move the capital of Kazakhstan from Almaty to Astana in 1997. This move was intended to promote greater national unity, as well as to provide a central location for the country's administrative functions.

The "Strategy Kazakhstan-2050" was another significant plan aimed at promoting long-term economic growth and development. This strategy focused on a number of key areas, including the development of human capital, the diversification of the economy, and the promotion of greater innovation and creativity.

The transition to a market economy, the creation of private property institutions, and the formation of domestic business were crucial steps towards the development of a new economic system. However, the process of transition was not without difficulties and shortcomings, including an economic crisis, social difficulties, declining living standards, rising unemployment, and crime.

The introduction of a national currency and the formation of the National Fund were important steps towards the stabilization of the country's economy. The foundation of national companies in Kazakhstan reflected a growing sense of economic self-reliance, while the development of industrial, agricultural, and financial and banking sectors of the economy reflected a commitment to economic diversification and growth.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Human Development Reports played a significant role in shaping Kazakhstan's economic and social policies, with a focus on promoting human development and reducing poverty. The first edition of the Kazakhstan Human Development Report highlighted a number of key challenges facing the country, including the need to promote greater gender equality and social inclusion.

Foreign economic cooperation with large companies from the United States of America, Western Europe, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East played a significant role in promoting economic growth and development in Kazakhstan. The implementation of programs such as "Nurly Zhol" and "100 Concrete Steps" reflected a growing commitment to economic reform and modernization.

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the country's economy, with challenges in areas such as health, education, and employment. The "National Development Plan" until 2025 and the national projects aimed to address these challenges, focusing on areas such as infrastructure development, human capital development, and economic diversification.

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