17 Вопрос

  1. The Nogai Horde was a confederation of Mongol and Turkic tribes that existed from the 14th to the 18th centuries in Central Asia. The territory of the Nogai Horde was characterized by a mixed ethnic composition, and was centered on the lower Volga region.

  2. The rulers of the Nogai Horde were known by the titles of biy and myrza. These titles were used to denote political and military leaders within the confederation.

  3. Relations between the Nogai Horde and adjacent states were often tense and marked by conflict. The Nogai Horde frequently clashed with neighboring powers such as Russia and the Ottoman Empire, as well as with other Mongol and Turkic states in the region.

  4. The political crisis and eventual collapse of the Nogai Horde marked the end of the confederation's power and influence in Central Asia. This collapse was the result of a combination of internal strife, external pressures from neighboring states, and economic decline.

  5. The Siberian Khanate was a state that existed from the late 15th to the mid-16th centuries in Siberia. The territory of the khanate was characterized by a mixed ethnic composition, and was centered on the region around the Irtysh River.

  6. The fall of the Siberian Khanate was the result of a combination of internal political instability, external pressures from neighboring powers such as Russia, and economic decline.

  7. The cultural and civilizational heritage of the Golden Horde was characterized by a period of significant urban planning and development. Recent archaeological discoveries have shed new light on the level of cultural development of Desht-i Kypchak, the cultural heartland of the Golden Horde during its imperial period.

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