13 Вопрос

  1. The Turkic factor in the ethnopolitical history of Kazakhstan in the IX-XII centuries refers to the role of the Turkic peoples in shaping the political and cultural landscape of the region during this period. This includes the emergence of the Syrdarya Yabgu state and the continuity of ancient Turkic socio-political traditions in the state structure of the Kimaks.

  2. Oral historical science and archaeological data provide important insights into the history and culture of the Turkic peoples during this period, including their political structures, social organization, and cultural practices.

  3. The problems of the ethnic history of the Oghuz and their role in the ethnogenesis of the Kazakh people are complex and still the subject of debate among historians and linguists. The Oghuz were a Turkic group that played a significant role in the history and culture of the region during the medieval period.

  4. The continuity of the ancient Turkic socio-political traditions in the state structure of the Kimaks refers to the ways in which the Kimak state was influenced by the political and cultural traditions of earlier Turkic states.

  5. The Karakhanids were a powerful Turkic dynasty that controlled much of Central Asia during the 10th-12th centuries CE. Information about the Karakhanids can be found in Arabic and Persian sources, which provide important insights into their political and cultural practices.

  6. Karakhanid statehood represented a new stage in the evolution of Turkic statehood, characterized by a highly centralized and hierarchical system of government. The adoption of Islam played an important role in shaping the culture and politics of the Karakhanids.

  7. Features of trade, economic, and cultural ties during the Karakhanid period were influenced by the region's location at the crossroads of different trade routes and cultural traditions. The Karakhanids played an important role in promoting cultural exchange and the spread of Islamic culture throughout Central Asia.

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